Saturday, April 17, 2010


As I begin each day taking a deep breath from the place I awake from, I am reminded of how great of a life I'm living at this present time. Not many obligation to take care, few things to worry about [mostly only school] and always knowing that I will be a healthy human being. Although my life isn't perfect (but who's is??), I am thankful for the one I live. We live in a strange world, one in which people take many things for granted and do not appreciate the many illegitimate needs one has. I am currently reading "The Rhythm of Life" and the book really helps give me the feeling of having a of purpose or a sense of putting life in prospective. It talks about being the best-version-of-yourself and how to you can improve that person you think you and and who you strive to become. Still taking life one step at a time, but its always a good thing to just stop think, and extract yourself. Make adjustments and become that person you want to be and to how to attain it.

Listenin To:

B.O.B. - Airplanes (feat. Hayley Williams)

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