Monday, March 1, 2010


Today is the start of a new month which means: new music, new experiences, new discoveries, and I cannot forget New York. I have never been to New York during the winter season and am very excited see not only my friends over there, but the scenery. This time I'm going to take the local approach, instead of the tourist =]. Too bad all the tickets sold out, and there goes my opportunity of watching Miike Snow perform at the infamous Webster Hall =\. If anybody has any ideas of what to do please feel to tell me, I would love some input.
Besides this trip the start of a new month means the completion of February's playlist. I feel very proud about this one and although I have no mp3 player or iPod handy, my laptop will do just fine. Nothing else much to say, but need to get my sleep pattern back to normal. For all you insomniacs out there go to sleep!!

Listenin' To: Kid Cudi - Dat New New
Kid Cudi - Dat New New  by  flipsydboi

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